31 research outputs found

    Identification and Control of Electron-Nuclear Spin Defects in Diamond

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    We experimentally demonstrate an approach to scale up quantum devices by harnessing spin defects in the environment of a quantum probe. We follow this approach to identify, locate, and control two electron-nuclear spin defects in the environment of a single nitrogen-vacancy center in diamond. By performing spectroscopy at various orientations of the magnetic field, we extract the unknown parameters of the hyperfine and dipolar interaction tensors, which we use to locate the two spin defects and design control sequences to initialize, manipulate, and readout their quantum state. Finally, we create quantum coherence among the three electron spins, paving the way for the creation of genuine tripartite entanglement. This approach will be useful in assembling multispin quantum registers for applications in quantum sensing and quantum information processing

    Tunable source of correlated atom beams

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    We use a one-dimensional optical lattice to modify the dispersion relation of atomic matter waves. Four-wave mixing in this situation produces atom pairs in two well defined beams. We show that these beams present a narrow momentum correlation, that their momenta are precisely tunable, and that this pair source can be operated both in the regime of low mode occupancy and of high mode occupancy

    Identification and Control of Electron-Nuclear Spin Defects in Diamond

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    We experimentally demonstrate an approach to scale up quantum devices by harnessing spin defects in the environment of a quantum probe. We follow this approach to identify, locate, and control two electron-nuclear spin defects in the environment of a single nitrogen-vacancy center in diamond. By performing spectroscopy at various orientations of the magnetic field, we extract the unknown parameters of the hyperfine and dipolar interaction tensors, which we use to locate the two spin defects and design control sequences to initialize, manipulate, and readout their quantum state. Finally, we create quantum coherence among the three electron spins, paving the way for the creation of genuine tripartite entanglement. This approach will be useful in assembling multispin quantum registers for applications in quantum sensing and quantum information processing

    Environment-assisted quantum-enhanced sensing with electronic spins in diamond

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    The performance of solid-state quantum sensors based on electronic spin defects is often limited by the presence of environmental spin impurities that cause decoherence. A promising approach to improve these quantum sensors is to convert environment spins into useful resources for sensing. Here we demonstrate the efficient use of an unknown electronic spin defect in the proximity of a nitrogen-vacancy center in diamond as both a quantum sensor and a quantum memory. We first experimentally evaluate the improvement in magnetic field sensing provided by mixed entangled states of the two electronic spins. Our results critically highlight the tradeoff between the advantages expected from increasing the number of spin sensors and the typical challenges associated with increasing control errors, decoherence rates, and time overheads. Still, by taking advantage of the spin defect as both a quantum sensor and a quantum memory whose state can be repetitively measured to improve the readout fidelity, we can achieve a gain in performance over the use of a single-spin sensor. These results show that the efficient use of available quantum resources can enhance quantum devices, pointing to a practical strategy towards quantum-enhanced sensing and information processing by exploiting environment spin defects.Comment: 7 pages, 4 figure

    Anisotropy in s-wave Bose-Einstein condensate collisions and its relationship to superradiance

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    We report the experimental realization of a single-species atomic four-wave mixing process with BEC collisions for which the angular distribution of scattered atom pairs is not isotropic, despite the collisions being in the ss-wave regime. Theoretical analysis indicates that this anomalous behavior can be explained by the anisotropic nature of the gain in the medium. There are two competing anisotropic processes: classical trajectory deflections due to the mean-field potential, and Bose enhanced scattering which bears similarity to super-radiance. We analyse the relative importance of these processes in the dynamical buildup of the anisotropic density distribution of scattered atoms, and compare to optically pumped super-radiance.Comment: 13 pages, 10 figures, added a fuller discussion of timescales, otherwise some minor changes in the text and the formatting of Figures 5-

    An acoustic analog to the dynamical Casimir effect in a Bose-Einstein condensate

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    We have realized an acoustic analog to the Dynamical Casimir effect. The density of a trapped Bose-Einstein condensate is modulated by changing the trap stiffness. We observe the creation of correlated excitations with equal and opposite momenta, and show that for a well defined modulation frequency, the frequency of the excitations is half that of the trap modulation frequency.Comment: Includes supplemental informatio